ELDP Operator Description

ELDP Operator Responsibilities

Once your organization has been registered through ADTP as an ELDP Operator, any qualified member of the organization can facilitate the ELDP Operator responsibilities listed below:

  1. Field applicants and select viable candidates that meet the qualifications listed on the Driver Candidate Qualifications page.
  2. Direct candidates to ADTProgram.com and monitor their progress through the online curriculum.
  3. Administer 18 hours of behind-the-wheel training (occurring over at least 4 days) without packages on board in the presence of a Qualified Observer followed by a FedEx Road Test.
    • Qualified Observer- Any member of your organization that has been with FedEx for at least three years with no preventable accidents having occurred in the last three years.
    • A list of Qualified Observers in your organization can be generated at the terminal.
    • The ELDP Operator must also verify proper insurance coverage to cover the driver while training (without packages) in truck.
  4. Print certificate of course completion from ADTProgram.com and submit it at your FedEx terminal.
  5. Ensure that the candidate completes 18 hours behind-the-wheel probationary training with packages on board in the presence of a FedEx Approved Qualified Observer to become a fully certified ADTP driver.
    • Qualified Observer- Any member of your organization that has been with FedEx for at least three years with no preventable accidents having occurred in the last three years.
    • A list of Qualified Observers in your organization can be generated at the terminal.